Raiers Museum

The Museum of the 'Raiers' in Coll de Nargó is a museum dedicated to the tradition of the people from this Catalan town, which is located close to Andorra.

The museum dels' Raiers of Coll de Nargó is dedicated to the life and work of the 'Raiers'. A 'raier' was a man who combined his work as a lumberjack chopping down trees in the forests of the area. Later from that wood was building rudimentary boats and taking advantage of them to move the timber down the river from the pre-Pyrenean forests to the floodplains of the Ebro Valley. The wood was moved in a form of a boat, which was called the 'rai'.

The museum is located in the historical center of the municipality, in a chapel at the top of the village and known as Roser Chapel.

The museum is open on weekends.

Source of description: planerGO

Raiers Museum has the following opinions (reports) create opinion

user image of airún
Los raiers Para los que os guste la historia de los oficios i del pais es muy recomendable la visita. Ya que cuenta con herramientas muy antiguas y se respira la vida de todas esas personas que siguen rememorando a los raiers. Para complementar, si decidiis hacer esta visita, y coincide con el segundo fin de s... rating 1 rating 2 rating 3 rating 4 rating 5 2011-11-02 19:19:22

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Category definition of category museum
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Price definition of price normal : 2.50 child : 0.00 (age <7) retired : 2.00 (age 65<)
Geographical coordinates 42.1748206, 1.3166594
Address 25793 Coll de Nargó, Plaça dels Raiers 1
Opening date 1998
More information official website

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