Alexandre-Théodore Brongniart - biography

Who is Alexandre-Théodore Brongniart?

Born in 1739-02-15 Paris - died in 1813-06-06 Paris

Alexandre-Théodore Brongniart was a prominent French architect born in Paris. He was a member of Parisian society and a husband to Anne-Louise d'Egremont. Alexandre-Théodore Brongniart designed hotels, including the Hôtel de Bourbon-Condé and the Hotel de Monaco, and a number of exclusive private residences. In 1782 he was named architect and controller-general of the Ecole Militaire (Military School). In 1804, he was commissioned by Napoleon Bonaparte to create the layout for the famous Père Lachaise Cemetery. The Emperor was so pleased with his work that in 1807 he chose Brongniart to design the Paris Bourse (the Parisian stock exchange).

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