Barcelona - azulejo (page 2)

markerA Serra House Serra House is a small palace which is located in the Eixample district in Barcelona. The exact address is Rambla de Catalunya 126 (on the corner of the street Corcega). Was designed by modernist Catalan architect Josep Puig i Cadafalch in 1903. Today is the residence of deputation of Barcelona, one... Serra House - photo
markerB Casa Lleó Morera Casa Lleó Morera (House of Lleó Morera) is a modernist building located at Passeig de Gràcia 35 in the Eixample district of Barcelona next to two other famous modernist buildings, Casa Amatller and Casa Batlló, which together are known as the apple of discord ("manzana de la discordia" in Spanish). ... Casa Lleó Morera - photo
markerC Vicens House La Casa Vicens is a modernist building located in the Gracia district of Barcelona. It was the first major work of Antoni Gaudi in Barcelona and although it is now a private property and its interior can not be entered, it is worth visiting even if to see the outside only. Its fusion of colours and ... Vicens House - photo
markerD Golferichs' House Casa Golferichs (Golferichs House) is a modernist building located on the Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, number 491, inside the Eixample district of Barcelona.It was built in 1901 by architect Joan Rubio i Bellver in what was one of his first professional assignments after the request of  Macari G... Golferichs' House - photo
markerE Casa de les Punxes 'Casa de les Punxes' also known as the home of Terrades, is a modernism building designed by catalan architect Joseph'a Puig i Cadafalch, located at the intersection of street Diagonal an Rosello. This house was built in 1905, when sisters Terrades wanted to join three buildings belonging to them,... Casa de les Punxes - photo
markerF Ciutadella Park Ciutadella Park (Parc de la Ciutadella) is a park located in the Born district of Barcelona, which for many years was the only green area in the city. The park was designed in the 19th century and its style was modelled on the Luxembourg Gardens in Paris. It spreads over an area of 17 hectares betw... Ciutadella Park - photo
markerG Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau The Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, better known as Sant Pau, is a modern building located in the neighbourhood of the Sagrada Família in Barcelona. The monumental work of an architect Lluis Domenech i Muntaner is considered The World Heritage by UNESCO since 1997. The architect worked with ar... Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau - photo
markerH Municipal Conservatory of Barcelona The Municipal Conservatory of Barcelona is a modernist building designed by the architect Antoni Falguera i Sivilla located in the Eixample district of Barcelona on 110 Bruc Street.The building is notable for its brick and stone construction and the main façade flanked by two towers with pointed top... Municipal Conservatory of Barcelona - photo
markerI La Monumental La Plaza de Toros Monumental (The Monumental Bullring of Barcelona), also known as La Monumental and initially called Plaza del Sport, is currently the only functional bullring in Barcelona after Plaza de Toros Las Arenas, another place where bullfights were watched, was transformed into a shopping ... La Monumental - photo
markerJ Casa Amatller La Casa Amatller (Amatller's House) is a modernist building located on one of the main streets of Barcelona, Passeig de Gracia. It was designed by the Catalan architect Joseph Puig i Cadafash and is situated near two other famous buildings: Casa Batlló, a house designed by the Catalan architect ... Casa Amatller - photo

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Name Barcelona
Region Catalonia
Country Spain (ES)
Population 4,200,000 inhabitants

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