Palace of Facets |
The Palace of the Facets (Russian: Грановитая Палата) is a building in the Moscow Kremlin, Russia, which contains what used to be the main banquet reception hall of the Muscovite Tsars. It is the oldest preserved secular building in Moscow. Located on Kremlin Cathedral Square, between the Cathedral ... |
Spasskaya Tower |
The Spasskaya Tower (Russian: Спасская башня, translated as "Saviour Tower") is the main tower with a through-passage on the eastern wall of the Moscow Kremlin, which overlooks the Red Square.
The Spasskaya Tower was built in 1491 by an Italian architect Pietro Antonio Solari. Initially, it was nam... |
Moscow State University |
Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russian: Московский государственный университет имени М. В. Ломоносова, Moskóvskiy gosudárstvennyy universitét ímeni M. V. Lomonósova), previously known as Lomonosov University or MSU (Russian: университет Ломоносова, Universitét Lomonósova; Russian: МГУ, MGU), is ... |
Luzhniki Stadium |
The Grand Sports Arena of the Luzhniki Olympic Complex (Russian: Большая спортивная арена Олимпийского комплекса Лужники) in Moscow, or briefly Luzhniki Stadium (Russian: Стадион "Лужники"), is the biggest sports stadium in Russia. Its total seating capacity is 89,318 seats, all covered(upgraded). T... |
Russian State Library in Moscow |
The Russian State Library (Russian: Российская государственная библиотека) is the national library of Russia, located in Moscow. It is the largest in the country and the third largest in the world for its collection of books (17.5 million). It was named the V. I. Lenin State Library of the USSR from... |
Russian Academy of Sciences |
The Russian Academy of Sciences (Russian: Росси́йская акаде́мия нау́к, Rossi'iskaya akade'miya nau'k, shortened to РАН, RAN) consists of the national academy of Russia and a network of scientific research institutes from across the Russian Federation as well as additional scientific and social units... |
Bolshoi Theatre |
The Bolshoi Theatre (Russian: Большо́й теа́тр, tr. Bol'shoy Teatr, meaning Large, Great or Grand Theatre, also spelled Bolshoy) is a historic theatre in Moscow, Russia, designed by architect Joseph Bové, which holds performances of ballet and opera. The Bolshoi Ballet and Bolshoi Opera are amongst t... |
Intourist Garage |
Intourist Garage was a parking located in the city of Moscu and built by Konstantin Melnikov.
This avant-garde building was built by the brilliant architect Melnikov between 1934 and 1936 to park cars and nowadays only the main facade still remains.
The geometrical shapes of the facade are its mai... |
Shukhov Radio Tower |
The Shukhov radio tower (Russian: Шуховская башня), also known as the Shabolovka tower, is a broadcasting tower in Moscow designed by Vladimir Shukhov. The 160-metre-high free-standing steel structure was built in the period 1920–1922, during the Russian Civil War. It is a hyperboloid structure (hyp... |
Melnikow House |
Melnikow House is a building made by Konstantin Melnikov in Moscu.
The finest existing specimen of Melnikov's work is his own Krivoarbatsky Lane residence in Moscow, completed in 1927-1929, which consists of two intersecting cylindrical towers decorated with a pattern of hexagonal windows. His flow... |