Venice - library

markerA Palazzo Querini Stampalia Palazzo Querini Stampalia is a palace in Venice, Italy. It is located in Castello district, on the left bank of the Grand Canal. The palace overlooks the river of Santa Maria Formosa. Built in the 16th century, it is a typical example of the Italian Cinquecento architecture. From the very beginning... Palazzo Querini Stampalia - photo
markerB Zecca of Venice The Palazzo della Zecca is a 16th century building in Venice which once housed the official mint and offices responsible for coining money. This building, rustic and robust in its external surface, stands in stark contrast to the elegantly decorated Biblioteca Marciana next door. Both buildings wer... Zecca of Venice - photo

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Name Venice
Region Veneto (20)
Country Italy (IT)
Population 270,660 inhabitants

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21.08.2013 - 22.08.2013

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We are going to visit Venice. Any tip for our travel? Thanxxx

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