Museo de Alzamiento de Varsovia |
The Warsaw Uprising Museum (Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego), located in the Wola district of Warsaw, Poland, is a museum dedicated to the Warsaw Uprising of 1944. The institution of the Museum was established in 1983, but no construction work took place for many years, and the museum finally opened ... |
Łazienki Palace |
The Łazienki Palace (Pałac Łazienkowski)— in English, the Baths Palace. Also called the Palace on the Water, or Water Palace (Pałac na Wodzie), and the Palace on the Isle (Pałac na Wyspie)— is a Neoclassical palace in Warsaw 's Royal Baths Park. The building began as a bathhouse for Stanisław Herakl... |
Parque Łazienki |
El Parque Real Łazienki (Park Łazienki Królewskie) es el parque público más grande de Varsovia (Polonia). Se extiende por un área de cerca de 80 ha. Alberga un conjunto palaciego y cuenta con un lago y un jardín botánico. Se encuentra ubicado en el límite sur del distrito de Śródmieście, sobre la av... |
Gran Teatro de Varsovia |
El Gran Teatro de Varsovia, Polonia es un complejo teatral arquitectónico sede de la Opera Nacional Polaca (compañía fundada en 1776) ubicado en la Plaza del Teatro (Plac Teatralny) de la capital polaca. Fue inaugurado el 24 de febrero de 1833 con El barbero de Sevilla de Rossini. Prácticamente dest... |
Universidad Politécnica de Poznan |
Poznań University of Technology, PUT (Politechnika Poznańska) is a university located in Poznań, Poland. Poznań University of Technology is known as one of the best technical universities in Poland. In 1995 it became the first Polish university to become a member of the Conference of European School... |
Universidad Politécnica de Varsovia |
The Warsaw University of Technology (Politechnika Warszawska; literally, "Warsaw Polytechnic") is one of the leading institutes of technology in Poland, and one of the largest in Central Europe. It employs 2,453 teaching faculty, with 357 professors (including 145 titular professors). The student bo... |
Sirena de Varsovia |
Warsaw Mermaid - the symbol of Warsaw, the crest emblem of Warsaw. No one knows why was placed on the coat of arms of Warsaw. It is placed there since 1390. But then, this siren had a different shape than today. Coat of arms of Old Warsaw in 1390 presented the animal with a bird's legs and torso cov... |
Plaza Mayor de la Ciudad Vieja de Varsovia |
Warsaw's Old Town Market Square (Rynek Starego Miasta) is the center and oldest part of the Old Town of Warsaw, capital of Poland. Immediately after the Warsaw Uprising, it was systematically blown up by the German Army. After World War II, the Old Town Market Place was restored to its prewar appear... |
Palacio Presidencial de Varsovia |
The Presidential Palace (Pałac Prezydencki; also known as Pałac Koniecpolskich, Lubomirskich, Radziwiłłów, and Pałac Namiestnikowski) in Warsaw, Poland, is the elegant classicist latest version of a building that has stood on the Krakowskie Przedmieście site since 1643. Over the years, it has been r... |
Castillo Real de Varsovia |
El Castillo Real de Varsovia (en polaco: Zamek Królewski w Warszawie ) es un palacio barroco - neoclásico ubicado en el parte vieja de Varsovia ( Polonia ). Fue la residencia oficial del rey polaco hasta 1795, año en que desapareció la Mancomunidad Polaco-Lituana. En la actualidad es sede de la Fund... |