Toledo - Medieval

markerA Alcántara Bridge in Toledo The Puente de Alcántara is an arch bridge in Toledo, Spain, spanning the Tagus River. Located at the feet of the Castillo de San Servando, it was built by the Romans after they founded the city. In the Middle Ages it was one of the few entrances of the pilgrim into the city. It was declared a nation... Alcántara Bridge in Toledo - photo
markerB Castle of San Servando The Castle of San Servando (Spanish: Castillo de San Servando) is a medieval castle in Toledo, Spain, next the Tagus River. It was begun as a monastery in 1088, three years after the city was conquered by the Christian army of Alfonso VI of Castile. Later it was converted into a fortress to protect... Castle of San Servando - photo

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Name Toledo
Region Castile-La Mancha
Country Spain (ES)
Population 82,489 inhabitants

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