Loggetta is a small building adjacent to St Mark's Campanile in Venice, Italy. It was built by Jacopo Sansovino and completed in 1549. It was rebuilt in 1912 after it had been destroyed by the fall of the campanile.

Originally, it was a shelter to the guardians of the Doge's Palace.

There are 3 archs on the front of the building and between them there are bronze statues of Minerva, Apollo, Mercurio and The Peace. They respectively symbolized three virtues of the Republic of Venice: wisdom, harmony, eloquence and peace as the aim of foreign policy.

Fuente de la descripción: planerGO

Este objeto pertenece a St Mark's Campanile

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Coordenadas geográficas 45.4340700, 12.3392020
Dirección 30122 Venecia, Piazza San Marco
Fechas de construcción 1537 - 1549

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