Jardines de la ciudad del Vaticano

The Gardens of Vatican City is a complex of gardens scattered around the Vatican.

Near the palace-church complex there is a garden with a great variety of flora. Trees, shrubs and flowers coming from different continents create unique compositions. The area is decorated with many fountains (such as the fountain with a galleon, which is a miniature of a ship from the cannons of which waterspouts spouts), waterfalls and sculptures. Inside the gardens there is also a lodge, many terraces and shrines, creating a marvellous atmosphere. In the garden a grotto of Saint Mary of Lourdes, sculptures of Heavenly Mother of Jasna Góra, Mother of Jesus of Fatima and the one depicting Saint Mary of Guadeloupe were created, all resembling the original buildings.

The gardens can be visited only with a Vatican guide. The cost of a normal ticket is 31 Euro, but there are also reduced prices of 25 Euro - it is worth remembering that the tickets include the entrance to the Vatican Museum as well as to the Sistine Chapel. The ticket should be booked on-line not sooner than two months and not later than two weeks before the visit. It is necessary to get a confirmation of the reservation in advance.

Fuente de la descripción: planerGO

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Precio definiciones de precios normal : 31.00 joven : 25.00 (edad 7<) estudiante : 25.00 (edad <26)
Coordenadas geográficas 41.9023457, 12.4514819
Dirección 00120 Ciudad del Vaticano, Piazza del Governatorato

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