Galería Nacional de Dinamarca

National Gallery of Denmark (Statens Museum for Kunst) is the Danish national gallery located in Copenhagen. The museum collects, registers, maintains, researches in and handles Danish and foreign art dating from the 14th Century till the present day, mostly with their origins in western culture circles.

The collections of the Danish National Gallery originates in the Art Chamber (Kunstkammeret) of the Danish monarchs. When the German Gerhard Morell became Keeper of Frederick V 's Art Chamber about 1750, he suggested that the king create a separate collection of paintings. To ensure that the collection was not inferior to those of other European royal houses and local counts, the king made large-scale purchases of Italian, Netherlandish and German paintings. The most important purchase during Morell's term as keeper was Christ as the Suffering Redeemer by Andrea Mantegna. Since then a great variety of purchases have been made.

During the 19th century the works were almost exclusively by Danish artists, and for this reason the Museum has an unrivalled collection of paintings from the so-called Danish Golden Age. That the country was able to produce pictures of high artistic quality was something new, and a consequence of the establishment of the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in 1754.

More recently, the collection has been influenced by generous donations and long-term loans. In 1928 Johannes Rump's large collection of early French Modernist paintings was donated to the Museum. This was followed by purchases of paintings and sculpture in the French tradition.

The museum was designed by Vilhelm Dahlerup and G.E.W. Møller in 1889-1896. In autumn 1998, an extension was opened designed by the architects Anna Maria Indrio and Mads Møller from Arkitektfirmaet C. F. Møller. This new building was constructed in the park behind the original building and is connected to it by a glass-covered walkway, 'the street of sculptures'. The 'street' stretches along the full length of the museum, and within it concerts and dance performances are held. The old and new buildings are connected by one large-scale amalgamation between past and present.

Fuente de la descripción: wikipedia

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Estilo definición de categoría Romanticismo - Historicismo
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Sugerencia definición de sugerencia Free entrance
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Coordenadas geográficas 55.6888890, 12.5786110
Dirección 1307 Copenhague, Sølvgade 48 - 50
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