Socialist realism - definition of architectural style

What is Socialist realism?

Estimated period of occurence (1933 - 1955)

Is a term given to architecture of the Soviet Union under the leadership of Joseph Stalin, between 1934 and 1954. Style developed in Soviet Russia and then spread to other socialist countries. Architecture was declared a key weapon in the creation of a new social order. It was intended to help spread the communist ideology by influencing citizens' consciousness as well as their outlook on life. Formally inspired by Neoclassicism as well as the local folk art, socrealism served strictly political and pro-Soviet propaganda purposes. The buildings are characterized by monumental scale, symmetry, and the use of many different decorative elements parapet, columns, pilasters high. The urban planning was focused on creating broad city streets and huge squares, which were suppose to be places where life of citizens focuses.

Cities with project in this style