Cardona, Spain - information about the city

Cardona is a town ìn Catalonia, Spain, in the province of Barcelona; about 90 km (56 mi) northwest of the city of Barcelona, on a hill almost surrounded by the river Cardoner, a branch of the Llobregat.

Cardona, Spain - tourist attractions

markerA Castle of Cardona The Castle of Cardona (Catalan: Castell de Cardona; Spanish: Castillo de Cardona) is arguably the most important medieval fortress in the Principality of Catalonia. It is situated on a hill overlooking the river valley of the Cardener and the town of Cardona. The fortress was initially constructed ... Castle of Cardona - photo

Relevant data

Geographical coordinates: 41.9167, 1.6833
Approximate population: 5,187

The oldest constructions