Collegiate Church of the Holy Cross and St. Bartholomew in Wroclaw

Collegiate Church of the Holy Cross and St. Bartholomew in Wroclaw - Gothic church on Cathedral Island located in the immediate vicinity of the former castle of Silesian Piasts. Collegiate Church was founded by Prince Henry Probus as a vote at the end of his long-term politico-ecclesiastical dispute with the Bishop of Wroclaw, Thomas II, completed in autumn 1287th. As a sign of a settlement the two adversaries agreed to fund the temples.

The designer of the building was probably listed as a court of Henry builder, master Wiland. Very tall, two-storey brick hall church has an unusual arrangement in Silesia, a two-storey interior: the lower church Bartholomew and the upper right of the Holy Cross.

Source of description: planerGO

This object belongs to Cathedral Island in Wrocław

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Architect definition of architect Magister Lapicida Wilandus
Style definitin of style Gothic
Category definition of category church
Material definition of material
Price definition of price gratis
Geographical coordinates 51.1150000, 17.0438890
Address Wrocław, Plac Kościelny 1
Opening date 1288
Height 69.00
Length 66.00
Width 44.00

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