Antico Caffè Greco

Antico Caffè Greco is a cafe located near the Spanish Stairs in Rome, Via dei Condotti 86. It is better known as Caffè Greco.

The name of this cafe comes from a Greek man, Nicolo della Maddalena, who founded the city. It was opened in 1760 and is the second oldest café in Italy (the first one is Caffe Florian in Venezia, opened since 1720). The café has been a meeting place of the cream of society of Rome. The most important persons of cultural, political and economic circles visited the venue. Even today it is a place where you can quite often come across famous people from different spheres of social life.

Inside the historical interior there are plenty of keepsakes of Goethe, Byron, H.C. Andersen, Mendelssohn, Mickiewicz or Słowacki. The café is expensive, but delicious Italian espresso costs around one euro what seems to be a reasonable price for feeling the ambiance of the place filled with history.

Source of description: planerGO

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Style definitin of style Baroque
Art Nouveau
Category definition of category bar
Material definition of material
Neighbourhood VI Alta Semita (14 regioni di Roma augustea)
Price definition of price gratis
Geographical coordinates 41.9055158, 12.4814649
Address 00187 Rome, Via dei Condotti 81 - 93
Opening date 1760

How to arrive