A jewel in the middle of the mountains

This romanesque tenth century church is a beautiful building in the middle of Pyrenees. the church is pretty close to Andorra, 30km far, within a small village called Coll de Nargó, with interesting surroundings. Unfortunately the inside chapel is closed to the visitors after some vandalism acts destroyed part of the altar.


  • appearance rating appearance 1 rating appearance 2 rating appearance 3 rating appearance 4 rating appearance 5
  • accessibility rating accessibility 1 rating accessibility 2 rating accessibility 3 rating accessibility 4 rating accessibility 5
  • price rating price 1 rating price 2 rating price 3 rating price 4 rating price 5
  • waiting time rating waiting time 1 rating waiting time 2 rating waiting time 3 rating waiting time 4 rating waiting time 5
  • neighborhood rating neighborhood 1 rating neighborhood 2 rating neighborhood 3 rating neighborhood 4 rating neighborhood 5
  • safety rating safety 1 rating safety 2 rating safety 3 rating safety 4 rating safety 5
  • tourist-friendly rating tourist-friendly 1 rating tourist-friendly 2 rating tourist-friendly 3 rating tourist-friendly 4 rating tourist-friendly 5
  • average rating 1 rating 2 rating 3 rating 4 rating 5 (4.57)


photo of patryk patryk August 11, 2012 6:22 PM

I can confirm. The church is really cool :) And it is a very good place to take pictures.

photo of merce merce August 11, 2012 6:27 PM

Yeah! And also make 'botellón' during the main Fiestas! ;)

photo of merce merce August 11, 2012 6:27 PM

Yeah! And also make 'botellón' during the main Fiestas! ;)

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Report of Sant Climent Church in Coll de Nargó (Coll de Nargó)

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